The Evaluation
An evaluation is information from formal and informal assessments of the student, student records, observations, and interviews that discuss special needs, strengths and interests. The information is used to make key educational decisions for your child.
Once your consent is given, the school district must complete the evaluation within 60 school days. This can seem like a very long time when you feel your child needs help. A thorough understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses will give you a head start in getting the services he or she needs. Consult with any outside professionals who may be familiar with your child and have them provide as much information as possible.
Before the evaluation is conducted, review the areas of your child’s development on which the evaluation will focus.
Meet with the school personnel and discuss the assessments to be administered and the areas or domains pertinent to your concerns about your child. These domains are academic achievement, motor abilities, language and communication, intellectual abilities, social/emotional status, health, hearing and vision.
If you disagree with the school’s evaluation, you may ask for an evaluation conducted by a private psychologist or other appropriate professional.
If you disagree with the school’s evaluation, you have the right to request an independent evaluation at the school’s expense. If the reports do not accurately describe your child or do not cover the areas of your child’s needs, you should also request an independent evaluation or assessments of additional areas.
In addition, if the school is unable to comply with time limit for the evaluation, you can request an independent evaluation. The school must consider all independent evaluations.
You can request a re-evaluation at any time.
A child must be re-evaluated every three years by law.
If your child has problems that indicate that his/her special education needs and services need to be changed, you can request a re-evaluation at any time.