The Annual Review
As your child is continually monitored and the IEP kept up-to-date, new goals and needs may become apparent. The IEP may be reviewed at any time, but it must be reviewed at least annually.
If you or any school personnel are concerned about the current relevance of the IEP, it is vital that you address these concerns promptly. It is important to keep the communication lines with your child’s teacher and school staff open. As you move through the IEP process, you and the school staff will fine-tune the IEP to your child’s specific needs.
Sometimes even with the best intentions, school districts and parents do not always agree. You may file a challenge with the state education agency and request mediation or a hearing if you feel that the school has not adequately addressed your child’s needs. There are many complex legal issues involved with the IEP process.
For more information, consult the ISBE A Parents’ Guide or contact the Illinois State Board of Education at (312) 814-5560.